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When a man tells his story to kill his demons!

Poster NO1.jpg

Based on a true story, NO1 recalls the life of a human. Is it a special life? Is it the life of a hundred? No1 can say until they know the whole story. A man faces his deepest traumatic experiences and fights all his demons.

Telling someone's story is challenging as the truth is not always pretty. In this feature film, the main character (NO1) is going over a major life changing experience and he decides to make of his tragic life story, a beautiful visual art project about recovery in front of adversity.

How does someone survive and thrive after the death of a parent, abuse, humiliation, torture, alcoholism, addiction, accidents that leaves him with disabilities, an incurable illness? This is how he did it. One day at a time.

GenreBlast Award Winner 2020
GenreBlast Award Winner 2020
IG FilmWinner-Color
IG OfficialSelection-Color
Poster NO1 a feature film by Saba

Poster NO1 a feature film by Saba

Saba as NO1 and Candid

Saba as NO1 and Candid

Saba as NO1

Saba as NO1

Saba as NO1

Saba as NO1

NO1 square

NO1 square

Color Logo NO1

Color Logo NO1

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