Cloudy Sky Films wants to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Here are our standard hourly rates. Depending on your needs, custom prices can be negotiated. Ask for a quote.
When you’re looking for an outside opinion on a script that is so close to your heart, we’re here for you. We’ll help you to write the best script possible.
1 hour ..................................... $350
2 hours ..................................... $600
3 hours ..................................... $800
4 hours ..................................... $900

You can ask all the questions you want for up to 3 months. We’ll work with you until you kick us out of your life.

–If you’re in LOS ANGELES, CA, we can arrange a face-to-face meeting to talk about your script. SKYPE or FaceTime is useful for this type of discussion.
–At least two people will read your script twice before offering any comments.
–If you provide a printed version of the script, we’ll mark all typos and help you avoid the most common mistakes made by writers.
–We’ll approach the script from writing, producing and acting points of view. Is it realistic? Are the characters true to themselves? Does the dialogue flow? Is there too much or too little of some element? Is there an arch? What about the structure?
–We can also organize table reads in Los Angeles with professional actors who are close to the characters, so you can actually hear your brilliant dialogue. (Not included in package, ask for a quote)
–Regardless of the package you choose, we’ll tell you like it is. Then it’s up to you to use our advice to write your best script.
We understand that your budget might be tight, it's okay, we get it.
Here's a great company we recommend for all sorts of screenplay services.